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toss例句、to sell someone out例句


5 Bangladesh won the toss and decided to bat first孟加拉国队掷硬币赢了,决定先击球6 I don#39t give a toss what people think我才不在乎人们怎么想呢。

例句#39I#39m sure I don#39t know#39 Cook tossed her head “我确信我不知道”库克一甩头说其他 第三人称单数tosses 现在分词tossing 过去式tossed过去分词tossed。

问题一扔的英文怎么写 扔 动 throw toss throw away cast aside名 姓氏 a surname chuck例句把它扔了吧Throw it away问题二扔掉的英文怎样翻译 扔掉 = Throw away, chuck out。

toss例句、to sell someone out例句

i #712w#618ndo不再受重视例句1Toss this one out of the window immediately!马上把这个观念扔到窗外吧2He looked out of the window and saw something frightening他从窗户望出去,看到可怕的一幕。

toss aside英 t#596s #601#712said 美 t#596s #601#712sa#618d释义扔弃,搁置不管例句The declaration of independence proclaimed those things which the americans wished to toss。

toss 指无什么目的地轻轻地随意地掷或扔,所扔掷的东西一般都比较轻throw的短语例句 1 I don#39t rant and rave or throw tea cups我不会大喊大叫或摔茶杯2 This new information does throw doubt。

例句1There wasn#39t a great fuss when I chucked her我把她甩掉的时候,她没哭也没闹2That second night, Sid Vicious chucked a bottle at the stage第二天晚上,席德·维瑟斯朝舞台上扔了个瓶子。

n固定钻头等用的夹盘,卡盘,夹头熟人之间友好的称呼小亲亲牛肩胛肉 词组短语1chuck away扔掉浪费掉 2chuck up辞去工作停止,终止活动3chuck out扔掉抛弃解雇把赶走 例句。

“A tossup”这种说法是从扔硬币做决定那里引申而来有的人在拿不定主意的时候,会扔硬币决定,正面就做,反面不做当硬币还没落地的时候,做与不做都各有一半的可能,也就是悬而未决看下面例句It#39s a toss。

tossgirl的中文解释是”徐智秀”,作为名词时有”徐智秀”的意思,发音音标为tossgirl,tossgirl常被用作名词,在郎文当代初级英语辞典中,共找到74个与tossgirl相关的释义和例句 tossgirl的词典翻译1徐智秀 用法及。


你能列出几个来?下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!first例句 1 English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love英语伤我千百遍,我待英语如初恋2 I picked first all the。

1乒乓球发球serve例句In pingpong, you take turns serving the ball在乒乓球游戏中,打者轮流发球2术语解释擦网是指在乒乓球比赛中乒乓球与球网发生碰撞后仍然过线上台的情况在发球时擦网则。

例句 Fill out the application carefully, and keep copies of it 仔细填写申请表,并且保存副本 toss If you toss something somewhere, you throw it there lightly, often in a rather careless way 扔,抛,掷 例句 He。

toss例句、to sell someone out例句

例句你先走,我一会儿来赶你 You go on, I will catch you up 问题六用英语怎么说 给你个全的 这些都会了基本就能听懂英文解说了 first half 上半场 internal中场休息 second half 下半场 allowance 补时 ext。



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