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2sweating the money 从货币里提取贵重金属成分 3holey dollar 有洞的钱币,这是十九世纪在澳大利亚新南威尔士州流通的货币,因为缺乏金属材料而将钱币穿洞 4token 辅币,具有象征性的货币,代表的价值高于本身的价值 5;What Is Money and What Are Its Functions?金钱及金钱的功用是什么Money is something you#39ve been familiar with throughout your life In fact, you may already consider yourself an expert on the subject You。


Money is any commodity or token that is generally acceptable as the means of payment 译文钱或财富指的就是任何商品或者辅币 代用货币 ,它作为支付手段通常是可以接受的解释that 代替先行词“moneyquot;which are given out during Chinese New Year as a token of good luck for the ing year With the electronic version, which can be sent through most popular Chinese platforms such as WeChat, Weibo, the pers。

contract TokenTRC20 Public variables of the token string public name string public symbol uint8 public* @param _value the amount of money to burn * function burnFromaddress _from, uint256 _value public;Token money could at one time be contrasted with quotfull bodiedquot money 代币曾一度是“足价”货币的对立面That is precisely how power is interpreted by the science of law , that cash bank of history。

“token”表示以象征性方式赠送或给予例句Token money could at one time be contrasted with#39full bodied#39money代币曾一度是“足价”货币的对立面这个单词的意思和用法有很多,大家在使用的时候一定要记得结合语境来。



1、o If a player elects to move the money token and lands on a “new” space they may either then attempt to make a deal OR draw 3 cards from the face down stack in the middle of the board。

2、n代币象征,标志,表示,信物礼券用以启动某些机器或用作支付方式的专用辅币代价券赠券adj象征性的付款或费用装点门面的敷衍的装样子的作为标志的例句Tokenmoney could at one time be contrasted。

3、Security Token即证券类Token,这种Token算做是证券,所以是要归证监会SEC管的关于判断是否为证券由豪威测试Howey test决定1Is it an investment of money or assets?是不是属于金钱或者资产的投资2Is。

4、1Token money could at one time be contrasted with#39full bodied#39money代币曾一度是“足价”货币的对立面2The study on the effect of the using token in treating mental patients in hospital代币制在住院。

5、sigeg money 围城时期发行的紧急币 series 系列,一组币 serrated 齿边 set 套 sovereign 苏弗林英国金币 special selects 品相极好的精选币 special uncirculated 精制的未流通币 specimen 样币币 speci。


1、代用货币Representative Money Token Coin Token Money d45 代用货币是代表实质货币来在 市场 上 流通 的 货币 , 其货币面值与币材价值不等,但可以兑换的货币它通常为 纸币 , 确切地说是可兑换的纸币conv。

2、in a company, as a hr employers, he must take heed of new employees have fraud That is to say, he must advertent the authenticity of background data The employees, By the same token, the management。

3、为了要使用 eCash,一个帐户应该在一个 DigiCash 许可的银行被真正的钱所建立一次建立,客户能撤回被储存在使用者计算机上的 eCash\#39s 硬盘 使用专有的软件, eCash 能与一个英特网商人一起花费或者与计算机被建立经营。



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