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1、ethical practice的重要性就是这个方面的内容教学是必须要去完成的ethical practice这个短语指的是道德实践这样子的一个意思,所以ethical practice的重要性就是必须要去完成的一个内容,因为学会了道德方面的相关知识以后,就必。

2、1, ethical research 2, 3 ethical standards, ethical practice。

3、Etiquette, communication and other civilizations Interpersonal process in the code of conduct as a courtesy, etiquette in the performance of speech as action on Courtesy Strengthen the ethical practice should pay。

4、5 一个识别能力,制定,解决工程问题 工程紧紧基于数学和科学原则 但有些艺术也是涉及这些方法适用于建立一些新的东西 工程师是quot已知quot , quot解题quot的美誉,需要这些能力的信心,因为当他面对陌生的情况下, 界定清楚的问题。

5、Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources比起94定义作了修改,个人觉得。


7、Virtue, in this Confucian view, is based upon harmony with other people, produced through this type of ethical practice by a growing identification of the interests of self and otherIn this regard, Confucius articulated。

8、生意损失,或者,有时采取法律行动 因此, 大多数组织都是非常敏感的需求和意见,为客户寻找办法来保护自己 长远利益 第二, 道德行为常常导致压力社会或政府机构承担更大的责任,为自己的行为负责 自侵权行为 确实发生过。


9、For moral practice, the best audience is people#39s own conscience 41一切不道德事情中最不道德的,就是去做I am convinced that only ethical citizens can pay an acceptable tribute to their motherland 43金玉满堂莫收。

10、“Japanese language cognition practice”, “social practice and social investigation”, “graduation fieldwork”, “military skill”, “thought morals tutelage and legal foundation practice”“日语语言认知实习”“。

11、but its decision to achieve not only its own attributes, but also by moral, ethical, social, law and so many factors and constraints Therefore, in the future of reproductive rightsrelated legislation, in o。

12、2 The core socialist values 例句要培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,加强公民道德和精神文明建设We should foster and practice core socialist values, strengthen civic morality, and advance cultural and ethical progress。

13、go how smooth, but as long as a little bit run into some setbacks, you would be habitually complain god shortchange parts, and then we pray old gift we more power to help us through But in practice。

14、A man can do is make a good example, to have the courage to hold in the social ethical beliefs groundlessroad, detours, mistakes, not a bad thing, but not a shame, to admit and correct mistakes in practice。

15、basketball in hand, playing aloneShewould practice 2dribbling and shooting over and overagain,sometimes until dark One day I asked her why she practicedsomuch She looked directly in my eyes and without a。


16、Jilin Province Department of Education to teach Jiword 2000 No 1 document quotwhere the ideological and ethical performance including social practice qualified, sports have reached the required standard, the。



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