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1、XC2006AB位置控制仪使用说明书 RigourIV Ver62 无锡市迅成控制技术有限公司前 言 RigourIV是应用于XC2005XC2006系列位置控制仪系统软件的统一名称到目前为止该系列产品已衍生出多个序列,XC2005AB数码管序列XC2006;severe coldbitter coldkilling freezerigourJack Frost 例句 在零度以下的严寒中,他低着头,向军人敬礼He bowed his head and saluted troops as the temperature hovered just below freezing相比之下,天气严寒;田地另外,如#39田地field#39在数学中被赋予了专门的数学意义#39场域#39此外还有一些数学术语technicaljargons,如integrable可积的特殊的表达语言和术语是出于精确性precision的考虑数学上管语言和逻辑的精确性为#39严谨性rigour。

2、Middle English rigour, from AngloFrench, from Latin rigor, literally, stiffness, from rigéreto be stiff来自于拉丁语,意思是“僵硬的”mortis含词根mort,意思为“death”rigor mortis就是 stiffness of death,也就是“ 尸僵;rigour 英#712r#618g#601r美#712r#618ɡ#602n严厉,严酷,苛刻 气候等的严酷复数rigours形近词vigour 双语例句 1 The new current affairs series promises to address;尽管这些生产实践,限制和控制,和机器设计分析以及模仿有关的原始程序大部分没有改变,就如Younkin强调的那样These processes, upon which the basic performance of machinery systems depend, are lacking in rigour compar。


3、严厉的可以用英语造句是He is a teacher who is very strict with his students,他是一个对学生非常严厉的老师,希望可以帮助到你,谢谢;frigid或chill,如果单纯是名字,Henrietta 念起来有点像,但没寒冷的意思;rigorous 严格的 ribbon 丝带rider 骑马的人,乘车的人 ridge 山脊,山脉 ringer 敲钟的人 ritual 仪式ridden 受支配的riddle 谜语,奥秘rigour 严厉,严格ripple 微波,涟漪rising 上升的ritual 宗教仪式;Nine Every man being presumed innocent till he has been convicted, whenever his detention becomes indispensable, all rigour to him, more than is necessary to secure his person, ought to be provided against by the law。


4、cold 就像“扣”的读音差不多这样比较记得1温度低的 cold k?uldfrigid a cold climate 寒冷的气侯 It is extremely cold today今天极其寒冷2温度低 chill frigidity rigour bitterly cold;rigor意思如下n 艰辛 僵硬 同“rigour” 寒战手指僵硬rigor 一短语搭配 Rigor velox迅捷的魔王 heat rigor热僵英语 热痹 alkaline rigor碱性僵直 碱强硬 尸僵 死后强直二例句拓展 1 Maybe cold a;表语从句that people using ereaders may not bring the serious attention to a book that he applies in his writing, which is famously undertaken in conditions of monastic rigour that exclude an internet;“受到法律的制裁”应该是 face legal sanctions“受到法律的制裁”与“受到法律的惩罚”是不一样的be punished by law 只是受到法律惩罚,而非制裁谈到法律,用词须严谨例句Having done that, he will face;严格的英文是strict解释strict 英str#618kt 美str#618ktadj 精确的 绝对的 严格的,严谨的 植 笔直的例句The officials had issued strict instructions that we were not to get。



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