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tokenism、tokenism 中文


1、使前进, 使发展 促进DJ#601d#712vɑnsKK#230d#712v#230nsvt viI signed to him to keep away, but he continued to advance我示意他离开, 但他还是继续往前走S;10 Is his promotion evidence of the minorities#39 advance, or mere tokenism?他的晋升是证明了少数族裔的进步,还是仅仅为了装点门面?11 I have to decide my plan way in advance我得趁早制订计划12 Their;英语the mere advance of time的翻译只是时间的推移重点词汇advance v 使前进,使向前移动发展,进步预付提前,提早促进,推动提出想法或理论上涨,增加提拔,晋升 n 前进进步,进展。

tokenism、tokenism 中文

2、2Appointing one woman to the otherwise allmale staff could look like tokenism给原本清一色的男职员队伍增派一位女性会显得是装点门面We insure against all damage, accidental or otherwise我们的保险包括一切;三者均可表示“到达”的意思,区别如下一arrive 和 get都是不及物动词,前者较正式,后者则较口语化两者之后均不可接宾语,但可接 here,there,home之类的表地点的副词作状语如What time does the train arrive?火车;9 Is his promotion evidence of the minorities#39 advance, or mere tokenism?他的晋升是证明了少数族裔的进步,还是仅仅为了装点门面?10 Their progress at work was mirrored by their children#39s educational advance。

3、Women have not even reached the level of tokenism that blacks are reaching 法院中没有妇女,只有两名妇女曾担任内阁的职位,但现在一个也没有 No women sit on the Supreme Court Only two have held Cabinet rank, and n;Is his promotion evidence of the minorities#39 advance, or mere tokenism?他的晋升是证明了少数族裔的进步,还是仅仅为了装点门面The mere thought of eating made him feel sick他一想到吃饭就觉得恶心It took her;6Appointing one woman to the otherwise allmale staff could look like tokenism给原本清一色的男职员队伍增派一位女性会显得是装点门面7After due consideration, we have decided to appoint Mr Davis to the。

tokenism、tokenism 中文

4、2 Is his promotion evidence of the minorities#39 advance, or mere tokenism?他的晋升是证明了少数族裔的进步,还是仅仅为了装点门面来自柯林斯例句 3 Ethnic minorities are continually scapegoated for the lack of;英国国旗呈横长方形,长与宽之比为21为“米”字旗,由深蓝底色和红白色“米”字组成旗中带白边的红色正十字代表英格兰守护神圣乔治,白色交叉十字代表苏格兰守护神圣安德鲁,红色交叉十字代表爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克此;14,女人没有甚至到达 tokenism 黑色正在到达的水平15,电视的多样性成为麻醉药而不是一种刺激16 大体上移民的风潮正在流动另一个方法17 没有于通常的图像拳击18 但是然后疲累产生了一种心智的麻醉剂19。

5、study hard and make progress everyday意思是努力学习,天天进步一study hard 英 #712st#652di hɑrd 美 #712st#652di hɑ#720rd努力学习攻读刻苦攻读 二make progress 英;Women have not even reached the level of tokenism that blacks are reaching 法院中没有妇女,只有两名妇女曾担任内阁的职位,但现在一个也没有 No women sit on the Supreme Court Only two have held Cabinet rank, and。



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