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根据英文释义,thin的反义词主要是thick,其英文翻译如下thick 英θ#618k 形容词 浓的,茂密的厚的,粗大的稠密的不透明的 例句Sprinkle a thick layer of borax over the stain向污渍上面洒一层;thick socks 厚袜子 双语例句 1 In the winter she wears thick socks, Wellington boots and gloves冬天,她穿着厚袜子和橡胶雨靴,戴着手套2 Participants may wear a pair of thick socks and light, soft;thick smoke厚厚的烟雾, 浓烟双语例句 1 a fire was soon lighted, and a thick smoke curled into the air一堆火很快就生好了,一股浓烟升上天空2 He said What is most noteworthy is that Beijing over;thick clouds 英 美 浓厚的云层 thick clouds是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译参考翻译 浓厚的云层 thick clouds的用法和样例例句 Thick cloud blotted out the view云层把风景遮住了For a while, the darkling。


1形容词 thickish 2副词 thickly 3比较级 thicker 4最高级 thickest 双语例句 He put on a thick sweater since it was cold in the morning 早晨很冷,他穿上了一件厚毛衣 扩展资料 近义词 1dense。

粗大脚踝 例句She was more than a little overweight,her thickankled feet thrust into lowheeled shoes她可不是什么微胖,她那臃肿粗大脚踝的双脚生生的塞进了低跟鞋中;最通俗的就是a thick skin 比较新的说法是bold as brass 或者cheekilyadv cheekinessn丁 cheekyadj还有种说法是iron butt 也可以用malapert不客气的,厚脸皮的例句1Iwant of your cheek! ie Stop;根据英文释义,thin的反义词主要是thick,其英文翻译如下thick 英θ?k 形容词 浓的,茂密的厚的,粗大的稠密的不透明的 例句Sprinkle a thick layer of borax over the stain向污渍上面洒一层厚厚的硼砂;例句1The thicker lava would have taken two weeks to solidify较厚的熔岩需要两周的时间才能凝固2Thick tuna steaks are eaten rare, like beef像牛肉一样,厚的金枪鱼排做到半熟即可食用3As a result;双语例句Thick tuna steaks are eaten rare, like beef 像牛肉一样,厚的金枪鱼排做到半熟即可食用Make sure you cut the bread nice and thick你一定要把面包片切得厚厚的Draw a thick black line across the。


密集地 扩展资料 例句How thick are the walls?这些墙有多厚They#39re two feet thick它们两英尺厚He wore thick glasses他戴着厚厚的眼镜;thick比较级是thicker,最高级是thickestthick例句有如下1When the next face appeared I saw the eyes behind the thick glasses blinking as though noticing me for the first time当第二张脸出现的时候,我看见那。



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