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telegraph中文翻译-view in telegram翻译


Telegraph 电报,指通过电信网络发送文本信息的通信方式例如,The news was sent around the world by telegraph这条消息通过电报传到了世界各地Telegram 电报,指通过电报机或电报服务发送的文本信息例如,I rece。

thomas edison was pelled to seek employment as a night telegraph operator 请翻译这句话参考书上的翻译是为了保持独立的经济来源,爱迪生不得不去当夜间电报员The。


telegraph中文翻译-view in telegram翻译

英国主要报刊The Times泰晤士报泰晤士报是英国高端的主流报纸,中文通常翻译为“泰晤士报” 总的来说这家报纸的读者自我定位为政治家和社会精英,通常比较关心国家大事报纸在报道内容上非常全面,国内外大事都是关注的重点,并且一直致。

Telephone,television,radio,telegraph and the Internet all help people municate with each otherAs a result,ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the worldFor example,within seconds,people can know。

have invented the electric light, telegraph, gramophone, film machine, magnetic force and analysed more than 2,000 kinds of things of total such as the ore machine, crushing machine together in all one#39s lif。

I am a student of Junior Three I am 14 years old Our school will hold a sports meeting in October and I want to enter for itRunning is my strength, and I think I am fit to attend the 100。

Reengineering of grain handling in the 1850s was caused by technological and institutional changes that accompanied the invention of the telegraph 1844 and the expansion of the railway1850年期间,伴随着电报的。

那里的网络设备正文是网络的媒介的很多类型,并且每一个有利弊 我们主要使用的这类型电报CAT5 UTP的缺点之一是电报长度 用一个网络的UTP电缆的最大长度是100米大约333英尺 我们需要延长我们网络在那以外限制如果。


历代以来最著名也是最多产的发明家之一,托马斯爱尔瓦爱迪生对现代生活产生了巨大影响 他的贡献有白炽灯泡,留声机,以及电影放映机,而且还改进了电报和电话在他84岁的生命中,他获得了惊人的1093项专利 除了是一名发明家外。

telegraph中文翻译-view in telegram翻译


The firecracker went off in the morning, open the door open Spring Festival first plug and firecrackers, called the quotopen the firecracker went offquot The firecracker, red, can break ground if brocade, called。

it is following the telegraph, telephone, radio, computer, after a great invention, the world#39s computers linked via the Internet, to communicate or share information resources Wireless phones with the Internet。

这是标准中文电码,正是邮电大学的强项呀中文电码,又称中文商用电码Chinese commercial code, CCC中文电报码Chinese telegraph code, CTC或中文电报明码Chinese ordinary telegraph code, COTC,原本是用于。



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