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1、大报左翼报纸labor卫报 Guardian incl Observer周日观察右翼conservative电信报Telegraph 中立泰晤士报the Times, 独立报the independent 小报conservative 镜报Mirror, 太阳报Sun 地方london晚报even。

2、读卖新闻Yomiuri Shimbun 日本 14,067 朝日新闻The Asahi Shimbun 日本 12,121 每日新闻Mainichi Shimbun 日本 5,587 日本经济新闻Nihon Keizai Shimbun 日本 4,635 中日新闻Chunichi Shimbun 日本 4,512 图片报Bild 德国 3。

3、The Telegraph每日电讯报报纸行业整体在衰退,报纸行业内部也有曾经的老大让出第一的情况,每日电讯报就是这位曾经的老大读者多是老一辈的保守主义者,关注体育赛事,时不时怀念一下大英帝国昨日的辉煌,整个报纸的基调。

4、每日电讯报The Daily Telegraph于1855年由Arthur B Sleigh首次出版报纸在2002年到2004年连续获得“年度专栏作家”称号每日电讯报因其报道的“年度最佳新闻”而被评为2010年度“年度报纸”每日电讯报,星期日电讯报。

5、1太阳报太阳报是全英国销量最高的报章,2004年后期该报的每日发行量达320万份星期日版的太阳报名为世界新闻报News of the World在有些人看来,太阳报尽管销量第一,但格调庸俗,属于。

6、4每日电讯报The Daily Telegraph 1855年于伦敦创刊,该报以“时效性”而著称 5观察家报The Observer 1791年创刊 6每日快报The。

7、英国的报纸种类繁多,有各个领域的报纸,也有当地社区的,甚至各种族也有自己的报纸但是英国目前发行的主要报纸是独立报The Independent,卫报The Guardian,每日电讯报Daily Telegraph,泰晤士报The Times,金融。

8、每日电讯悉尼Daily Telegraph时报周刊墨尔本Weekly Times, The斐济时报苏瓦Fiji Times星期日星报新西兰Sunday Star Times新西兰邮报惠灵顿Dominion Post欧洲 泰晤士报。

9、需充分证据表明方可除非像人民日报People#39s Daily每日电讯报The Daily Telegraph才够格仅供参考翻译基调主体结构,倾向于3,略改journal多指杂志,或学术类或非学术类综上。

10、quality newspaper 质量报 双语对照 词典结果网络释义 1 优质报纸 例句1Ana was recently interviewed by the daily telegraph, the biggestselling quality newspaper in britain安娜最近接受了来自每日电报的采访,每日。

11、Quebec Chronicle Telegraph Canada 1764 The Hartford Courant USA 1764 Lippische Landeszeitung Germany 1766 Aalborg Stiftstidende Denmark 1767 Adresseavisen Norway 1767 Feuille d’Yverdon。

12、Essential factsBorn 30 November 1874 Blenheim Palace, OxfordshireDied 24 January 1965 28 Hyde Park Gate, LondonNickname quotWinniequotEducation Harrow and Royal Military College, Sandhurst Family Churchill。

13、quotBy the end of this show,quot Richard Dorment wrote in The Daily Telegraph, quotI had come to feel that Fuseli is a schlock artist, but a great onequot In The Independent on Sunday, Suzi Feay wrote of quotThe Nightmare。

14、in particular, telecommunications His advanced work in these fields was an outgrowth of his early career as a telegraph operator Edison originated the concept and implementation of electricpower generation and di。


15、一一般现在时dodoes, amisare, 情态动词一般现在时表示的是客观事实或平时反复做的事情通常有频率副词always,usually,often,sometimes,seldom,once a week,every day等如The earth goes around the。

16、4 The Tundra Times, a weekly newspaper in Alaska, ceased publication this week阿拉斯加的周报苔原时报本周停刊了来自柯林斯例句 5 I ghosted his weekly rugby column for the Telegraph我为他代写电讯报。


17、quotIt is a great achievement, quot Liu Feng, director of the dives, was quoted as saying by China Daily, an Englishlanguage newspaper, which telegraphs government positions to the outside world满意请采纳,谢谢。



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