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丰田汉兰达油泵保险英文缩写是fuel 读音英 #712fju#720#601l 美 #712fju#720#601l释义燃料,给提供燃料语法fuel作“燃料”解时,是不可数名词,作“燃料的种类”解时,是可数;英语follow the old road to ruin share the fate of its predecessorfall into a rutfollow the same old disastrous road 成语辨析 辩形“覆”不能写成“复”“蹈”不能写成“倒”重蹈覆辙的。

一般使用“predecessor”表示公司的前身,在括号中的说明也用“former”例如中信重型机械公司前洛阳矿山机械厂Zhongxin Heavy Duty Mechanical CompanyFormer Luoyang MINING MACHINE MANCFACTOR COLTD而“中信重型机械;英文名Miki的读音mikimiki中文意思米基浊辅音m的发音方法1这个音发音很简音,首先双唇闭拢,舌头自然放平,软颚下垂2气流从鼻腔泻出,同时振动声带短语 Miki Yeung 杨爱瑾 外文名 Kiyoshi Miki。

My EX is worse than a dog!EX 读作 艾克斯;手机下个软件直接发音多好啊,谐音谐的就没音了。

Classified quothuman intelligence directivesquot issued in the name of clinton or herpredecessor, condoleezza rice, instruct officials to gather information onmilitary installations, weapons markings, vehicle details of;性情急躁的台独分子陈水扁,他显然很受欢迎He was a welcome contrast to his fiery and proindependence predecessor, chen shuibian, now in jail for。

拼音 líng yǔ 2释义 也作“囹圉”监牢身陷囹圄是指被关进监牢也可表示陷入困难或束缚中久禁囹圄;predecessor 前任,祖先predicament 困境predict 预测,预知predispose 使倾向於,使偏向於predominant 支配,优势的predominate 支配,占优势preeminent 卓越,超群的preface 开端,序言prefer 较喜欢prejudice 偏见,成见preliminary 序言,预备,在前的。

beyond one#39s depthhead exceed动词,例如超过警戒线exceed the warning line surpass动词,例如超过世界先进水平surpass advanced world levels excel动词,例如超过他的前任excel his predecessor。


welcome英 #712welk#601m 美 #712w#603lk#601mvt欢迎乐于接受adj受欢迎的令人愉悦的表示感谢的n欢迎,迎接welcome的用法示例如下1His predecessor was accorded an equally。

4He has never exhibited the selfconfidence, bordering onarrogance, of his predecessor 他从未表现出他前任的那种近乎傲慢的自信5The arrogance became his protective carapace这种傲慢态度成了他的保护壳。

英 #712pe#601r#601nts 美 #712per#601nts具体意思1父亲或母亲造句Children need their parents译文孩子们需要父母2动植物的亲本,亲代,父本,母本造句Each unit。


自信的英语 句子 带翻译 1 He has never exhibited the selfconfidence, bordering on arrogance, of his predecessor 他从未表现出他前任的那种近乎傲慢的自信2 The evening show was terrible, with hesitant。





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