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1、海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供legality principle的在线翻译,legality principle是什么意思,legality principle的真人发音,权威用法和精选例句等;黑客帝国IThe Matrix的故事背景是公元22世纪,那时人类已经丧失对地球的统治权,地球由机器人统治,而人类则以自己的肉体为机器人提供能量人类生活在一个由机器人安排好的巨大的虚拟世界Matrix之中,它无所不在;“successor principle” 实际上是我们了解“数字”这一概念的基础图源网络所以其实我们并不是生来就能轻而易举地区分数量间;successor,the licence holder of the exclusive licensing and the collective licensing bodymay file an infringement lawsuit The owner of。

2、secure file transfer, sharing with strong encryption and messaging security;s successor About 120,000 Conservative Party members get to elect the person who will guide the fate of Britain's 66 million people But;adhering to ensure the best possible heritage by the deceased close relatives of inheriting the principle of our country, we should enlarge the scope of legal heirSome scholars argue that should be sure widowe;“successor principle” is part of the foundation of our numerical 数字的 cognition这种“顺序原理”是我们数字认知的基础的一。


3、Tang LiYuan, Tang male, guards Taiyuan Li Shimin The children ofhighranking officials, after killed official successor crown princeLi to complete force emperor to turn overlord to sit the dragon chairIn six people;It is our fundamental operating principle that if all of our practices were to become known, there must be no one with grounds for complaint Personnel practices。

4、Sullivan in Sicily has always been to trust in Rome, but in 216 BC Carthage defeated the Roman army, Syracuse#39s new king Haiwei Long II#39s grandson successor, immediately see the rudder and Carthage alliance , The;国际法庭的继任者,PCIJ的原则,确定的是不可分割的独立建国,性格独立的国家是不妥协的其他国家在尼加拉瓜,美国案例1986法院宣布#39在国际法律没有规定以外,这些规则都可以接受的状态,通过协商或者其他的武器,一个主权国家;“successor principle” is part of the foundation of our numerical cognition, but requires extensive practice to understandNone of us。




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