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NEWear的翻译新的耳朵重点词汇1new 英 nju#720 美 nu#720adj刚出现的新的新近推出的新东西新事物新买的Under the new rules, some factories will cut emissions by as much as 9。

What is the special importance of a telescope in space? The Hubble telescope was launched into space by NASA on April 20,1990 at a cost of over a billion dollars Right from the start there was trouble with the Hu。

Fourth, it is also more important We can use mobile phones to query knowledge and learn, which greatly improves our learning efficiencyThe above are the advantages of mobile phones We should make good use。

it will surely affect the neural system of the brain, and causing headaches and weaker memory ability无论从中学生的注意力,攀比心理还和健康着想,在校园内使用手机是百害而无一利总而言之,中学生在校园内不应该使。

newear是世界著名的做帽子的品牌美国知名制帽品牌,起源于美国棒球联盟,正品的NY帽子都是NEW ERA的 !设计风格以hiphop为主,涂鸦嘻哈的风格,这个牌子的帽子最有名,尤其是板帽,很有型另外,NEW EAR 也有衣服。

1 选C 句子缺少谓语动词,其它三项都不是谓语动词 翻译温斯洛荷马把他的技能全部用于描绘新英格兰的景色2 选D at the age of forty 相当于when she was forty years old A 没有这种用法 B 缺少状语的引导词when。

new, point of device, such as optical telescope and shoot to give or get an electric shock the telescope, after again invent high ability the accelerator, a son make the person#39s organ get the extension towards bumpin。

18 David___a telescope 19 David’s friends___some tents 20 ___many children on the hill 用恰当的be动词填空 1There a lot of sweets in the box 2There some milk in the glass 3There some。

That echoes in your ear 你耳里的回音 Saying love will stop the pain 不停地说,爱会让痛楚停止 Saying love will kill the fear 爱会击败恐惧 Do you believe 你相信吗 You must believe 你必须相信 When there#39。


however, that the word Nian, which in modern Chinese solely means quotyearquot, was originally the name of a monster beast that started to prey on people the night before the beginning of a new yearOne legend。

正品NEW EAR纽约洋基宝蓝棒球帽,特价500,原价也就这个价左右想知道真假只要在正规商店里购买就不会有冒牌货了。

“Deep space is certainly another area China sees there are a lot of opportunities for scientific breakthroughsA new Hubble the Xuntian space telescope 新哈勃 “巡天”太空望远镜 China also plans to launch a space。

12Well be here after the new year新年过后,我们会再回来 13Chritsmas time is for thinking of othersChristmas bells rang in my ear you, wish you happy in this special time, happiness forever! 6 圣诞节到。


帽子下面都有cm标注的,看长度更直接吧还有我比较喜欢可调节的new era。


4what does xiao ming__have___?he_has___ a new tshirt for children#39s day5_There is ___a lot of milk in the bottle6_There is ___ a telescope and two blankets in the。





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