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1、transfer 一般表示转送或移交迁移,尤指交通运输中的换乘或职务的调动等remove 作quot移动quot解时,与move可换用,还可指撤职或开除学藉等查看更多内容语源late Middle English as a verb from French transférer or Latin tr。

2、transfered v 转移转让财产等迁移transfer的过去式有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼 *^__^*。


4、seconds,and then measured the number of bacteria transferred to the food 我们把熏肉或面包放在表面5秒30秒或60秒,然后测量转移到食物中的细菌数量 transferred是transfer过去式adj 转移的转让的调动的。

5、On my first year of college,I will get transfered to the StLouis RamsI will probably be a wide receiver or a running backI have the best hands in rocket footballWe will probably be the best team。

6、前边那个‘s 代表的是has 所以后面这个being 就是现在完成进行时 表示正在发生地动作并对以后产生影响。


8、I transfer to this school 因为transfer 是不及物动词,后面不能直接加宾语,所以要有to。

9、The D1 foreign teacher enters a country latter in 30 days to handle the residence permission visa in the local police station, obtains the legitimate assignment residence permission When first time handles。



11、I seek your assistance to get this money transfered to your account for investment purpose in your countryAlso,I require your advice and guidiance in the area of investment of this money and to further my。


13、1You have a liking for to be like a fool!2How to do?3You in fine will go to schoolAlready very just don#39t sit with you together!5Say the useless talk less!Need not you take。

14、113初始化转移 InitTransint MsgID, BSTR TransferedDN, BSTR UUD114完成转移 CompleteTransint MsgID115恢复 Retrieveint MsgID116放音 Playint MsgID, int IfPlayLoop, int AsyncMode, BSTR PlayFiles。

15、It can be concluded from this provision that, except for the right of exhibition, the artist who has transfered the ownership of his work still keeps the right of publication, modification, reproduction, etc, which。


16、在样例程序中,我使用属性BufferOffset与BytesTransfered来接收消息,SetBuffer方法把修改后的消息回返给客户端 为了控制侦听者生存期时间,使用了一个Mutex类的实例基于原Init方法的Start方法创建Mutex对象,相应的Stop方法。

17、I hope this letter finds you wellI have received your accomodition offer letter days ago which shown that #39You must pay your deposit before you can accept your offer#39 However, I had transfered the。



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