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1、telescope `tZl#601#716skop ˋt#1108liskoup可数名词 望远镜 a binocular 双眼望远镜 look at stars through with a 用望远镜看星 及物动词 1 使 像望远镜筒般 嵌入,使套叠。

2、telescope `tZl#601#716skop ˋt#1108liskoup可数名词 望远镜 a binocular ~双眼望远镜 look at stars through with a ~用望远镜看星 及物动词 1 使 像望远镜筒般 嵌入,使套叠。



5、释义向左转左转左拐向左左转弯 重点单词turn 音标英 t#604#720n 美 t#604#720rn释义v使转动,旋转转身扭转身体部位翻转翻动把翻过来 三双语应用举例 Walk。

6、The gorgeous color image combines both narrowband and broadband images recorded using three different telescopes人们常常用金色的叶子包裹复活蛋,或是农民的做法将复活蛋画得色彩斑斓,并把它和叶子或是真花瓣一起煮沸。

7、SCT SCT adapter 指的是 SchmidtCassegrain telescopes 卡塞格伦望远镜 SCT白天强背景光将通过望远镜系统对后续观测系统产生很强的杂散光在这种条件下,卡塞格伦望远镜系统杂散光成对称分布,主要来源于望远镜筒壁的漫反射光。

8、易混淆的单词LENSlens 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 1NCOUNT透镜镜片A lens is a thin curved piece of glass or plastic used in things such as cameras, telescopes, and pairs of。

9、celestron 塞莱斯特 星特朗 例句1Now celestron international, another maker of telescopes for the amateur,has made it even easier for novices and backyard astronomers to find theirway around the night sky现在。

10、2看得见的,可被看见的视觉的 Nearsightedness is a Primary school teachers use a lot of visual aids小学教师使用大量的视觉教具3光学的 Nearsightedness is a Telescopes and microscopes are visual。



12、look at the stars 仰望天上的星星看着星星抬头仰望繁星点点 例句 1On the earth, we can look at the stars and plants through telescopes在地球上我们可以通过望远镜看到星星和行星2But if a man would be。

13、simply look at the moon要看见月亮, 你必须忘掉指月的手指, 只看月亮5 When we look at the moon through telescopes, we can see lines and circles当我们用望远镜来观察月亮时, 我们可以看到一些线条和圆圈。

14、While giant stars from the cdm model would be long gone, some of the stellar runts predicted by the warm dark matter model might still be blazing away today and could be detected by future space telescopes。

15、造句He turned abruptly and walked away他突然转身走了I felt a tapping on my shoulder and I turned around我感到有人拍了一下我的肩膀,于是转过身去They turned their telescopes towards other nearby。



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